Privacy Policy

This document provides information on how I process your data. When you contact me about counselling, you are consenting to me processing your data according to information in this document. Please read it carefully and contact me if you have any questions.

Information I collect and what I use them for

Your contact details, which I use for the purpose of arranging/changing sessions. I also hold details of next of kin if you have provided one. I use this only if you have not arrived for an arranged appointment on two consecutive occasions, and you have not contacted me. Before I contact your next of kin, I will first attempt to contact you.

I occasionally take brief notes after our sessions. These are stored separate from your name and contact details and by themselves, will not identify you. I hold these in case I need them for supervision.

How long I will hold your data for

Your name and contact details are destroyed as soon as possible after our work has finished.  Emergency contact details are held only for the duration of our counselling relationship. They are destroyed after the final session. Any notes I keep after our sessions are held for 1 year after the end of our work together.

Who will I share your personal data with?

All information provided by you is confidential. However, there are some limits to this. Confidentiality will be lifted if I am required by law, to disclose any information. Other limits to confidentiality are discussed in the counselling agreement.

What I do to make sure your personal data is kept safe

All printed information is kept securely in a locked cabinet. I have a good anti-virus software and I scan my laptop regularly. My email and website are hosted by external bodies who have their own privacy policy. This policy does not extend to them.

Your rights under GDPR

You have the right to request to see information I hold about you. You can also request that I amend or remove such information. Please be aware that this may mean we are no longer able to work together. Further information about your rights can be found here.